A group of Americans going on a mission trip confirmed that this was the right gate for anyone heading to Flores. Attendants appeared off and on and finally informed us the flight would be delayed. 5 mins. 15 mins. Then we followed them down some stairs to board but they changed their minds again. 1 hour. Then 1 hour more. Indefinitely… and then came the rumors that possibly we would be staying the night in Guatemala City… *sigh.
Just hours ago I had been so content, enjoying the newly renovated Guatemala City Airport and being pleased that things were as I remembered them. I had been resting my feet on a coffee table at Carlos y Carlos cafĂ© and eating a somewhat expensive spinach and cheese ravioli and sipping coffee while enjoying free internet access. Had I known the internet would soon be turned off… I would have searched for the email from my soon-to-be boss and written down the phone numbers I needed to reach her, the ranch, or the administrator. I regretted not having been better prepared.
With the uncertainty of the delay, I began to feel a little nervous about my inability to communicate with the Hearts in Action team who would be waiting for me at the airport. As I was starting to feel kind of desperate to be able to communicate with the team, I started praying and trying to trust that God would take care of me in this situation… and then all of the sudden, missionaries from Calvary came up to me and began asking me questions. Did I get the help I needed? (They had heard me asking questions.) Where was I going? What would I be doing there? And at this point, I was tired and unsure of things and didn't want to talk to anyone anymore...but I answered their questions. All of the sudden, their eyes sort of lit up and they asked me, “Are you going to Hearts In Action?” Yes!
I nodded, and they said something like, “Well, why didn’t you say so?!" They work about an hour away from the Hearts in Action ranch and had the numbers I needed right there in their phones. They called the administrator for me and informed him in Spanish of the delay, and then they stayed with me until we walked out of the airport and I was greeted by Nineth and Hector from the Hearts in Action Team!
Coincidence? You decide.