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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
You Better Belize It?!

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Banana Cake
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Work, work, work...
Hmmm... it's been a little while since I've written. So much has happened that I don't really know where to begin. Each day still seems to feel like a week, and each week, a month. I'm working harder probably than I ever have in my life. Sometimes it feels completely satisfying to be pushed so hard spiritually, emotionally, physically, and intellectually every day because I know that I am growing and getting stronger... but at other times it feels overwhelming and exhausting. I'm still learning to find the balance.
I've been working primarily as the coordinator for P.I.E.S, A Charity and Sponsorship Program for Children in the Peten Jungle. In this position, I've taken on a lot of responsibility very quickly and am learning all the time. I assign children to new sponsors, translate many letters, maintain lists of current children and follow up with sponsors if their child is no longer attending the school, work to maintain a database, take lots of pictures, do fun art and letter writing projects with the kids, write e-newsletter articles, communicate and collaborate with the P.I.E.S. team which is spread across 3 countries, correspond with over 200 sponsors via email... and more.
I also just started teaching 3rd, 4th, 5th, and sometimes 6th grade English classes each day to cover a maternity leave. My first day, I stuck to the lesson plan left for me, one simple worksheet, and the kids finished in 5 minutes or less. I tried to fill the rest of the hour reviewing colors and parts of the body because I know they learned these things recently. We sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and played "Simon Says"... and I failed miserably to remain in control of 3rd and 4th grade. So the next day, I scrapped the worksheets, started preparing my own lesson plans, and prayed very hard before and after each class... and had dramatically different results. I enjoyed my time with the kids. They were attentive, creative and cute with the art I had worked into the lesson, and I think they just might have learned something! Amen!
The topic for the lesson was "Things in my classroom," so the kids learned words such as: paper, markers, crayons, scissors, etc. After taking notes, and a round of "What is this?" as I held up or pointed to each item, I let the kids play with the items and be creative. I purposefully didn't bring enough of each item just so the kids could practice their new vocabulary, saying things like "Can I borrow your scissors?" Some kids wrote letters for their moms, or for me, or drew pretty pictures.
But one kid decided to make a cow mask, mooed, and pressed it against his face, which was pretty amusing. He got embarrassed at some point and threw it away but I fished it out as a souvenir of a day of teaching gone well!
I'm also learning how to be a missionary. We take turns leading early morning Bible devotions and worship and presenting outreaches to children at surrounding schools, churches, and orphanages. We also prepare for group retreats and school or other ministry related activities, and we take turns cooking meals for each other. Last week, I was part of a 2 person team to lead an outreach to 200 children at a school and at an orphanage… I helped make 80 beds and baked 10 banana cakes, chased an iguana out of the guest dorm, and spent multiple hours in dance practice with the team to prepare for a large training event we are hosting at the ranch in November.
Outreach under a tin roof and on a dirt floor at Remar orphanage.
Thank you for every prayer! The tabano (praise Jesus!) has left me alone, and my Spanish is improving little by little. Love to you all!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Dia de Independencia

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Shoes, shoes, shoes!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Kids in The Word
During the last week of July, children from The Jungle School, our after school Bible Club (Club Victoriosos), and from local churches endeavored to memorize 20 Bible verses, or 5 verses each week, to be ready for an evaluation at the end of August. If they could do this, a group called SuperAventuras would reward each child with their very own Bible or a book of Biblical stories for the younger children.
152 children from The Jungle School, 20 children from Club Victoriosos, and 145 participants from the churches of San Andres and Santa Elena completed the challenge. I was so impressed with their dedication and with the speed they could rattle off the verses. It was so beautiful to witness the kids opening their Bibles, pointing at the pictures, and reading to each other.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A Beauty Pageant of Sorts...

Evelin in traditional wear.

At the crowing event, Maribi received recognition as second runner up by just three points. However, Maribi and Evelin are both “campeonas” (champions) as far as Hearts in Action is concerned! Later, both girls were awarded sashes and crowns, and they were given the titles Senorita The Jungle School and Nina The Jungle School.
Friday, August 19, 2011
"Como Asi"
Smiling for the camera- this little girl is also named Angela.
But this kid was obviously my favorite... I mean, he has a mohawk, annnd he drew a cat.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The tabano fly is small but mean!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sometimes Spelling and Vocab Errors are Funny
Me: No. Solomente necesito pegar Adrea para mi telefono. Translation: No. I only need to hit Adrea for my phone.
Monday, August 15, 2011
"Cooking with Ang!"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tonito vs. Juanita the Iguana
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Rain on the front porch
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Welcome to Guatemala!

A group of Americans going on a mission trip confirmed that this was the right gate for anyone heading to Flores. Attendants appeared off and on and finally informed us the flight would be delayed. 5 mins. 15 mins. Then we followed them down some stairs to board but they changed their minds again. 1 hour. Then 1 hour more. Indefinitely… and then came the rumors that possibly we would be staying the night in Guatemala City… *sigh.
Just hours ago I had been so content, enjoying the newly renovated Guatemala City Airport and being pleased that things were as I remembered them. I had been resting my feet on a coffee table at Carlos y Carlos cafĂ© and eating a somewhat expensive spinach and cheese ravioli and sipping coffee while enjoying free internet access. Had I known the internet would soon be turned off… I would have searched for the email from my soon-to-be boss and written down the phone numbers I needed to reach her, the ranch, or the administrator. I regretted not having been better prepared.
With the uncertainty of the delay, I began to feel a little nervous about my inability to communicate with the Hearts in Action team who would be waiting for me at the airport. As I was starting to feel kind of desperate to be able to communicate with the team, I started praying and trying to trust that God would take care of me in this situation… and then all of the sudden, missionaries from Calvary came up to me and began asking me questions. Did I get the help I needed? (They had heard me asking questions.) Where was I going? What would I be doing there? And at this point, I was tired and unsure of things and didn't want to talk to anyone anymore...but I answered their questions. All of the sudden, their eyes sort of lit up and they asked me, “Are you going to Hearts In Action?” Yes!
I nodded, and they said something like, “Well, why didn’t you say so?!" They work about an hour away from the Hearts in Action ranch and had the numbers I needed right there in their phones. They called the administrator for me and informed him in Spanish of the delay, and then they stayed with me until we walked out of the airport and I was greeted by Nineth and Hector from the Hearts in Action Team!
Coincidence? You decide.
Monday, July 25, 2011
♥ Querida familia y amigos!