With home-made signs held high, the cheers and shouts rang out, “We support you!” and “You are the best!”

Two girls from The Jungle School competed with girls from other local schools in the Senorita Independencia pageant on September 1, in Sacpuy, a town not far away from the school. Evelin, age 10, was selected from the primary school and Maribi, age 15, was selected from the high school. Both were very excited to represent their school and for the opportunity to get dressed up. The pageant consisted of three wardrobe changes, and the girls modeled school wear, traditional wear, and formal wear before delivering a speech.

Maribi in traditional wear.

Evelin in traditional wear.

In formal wear, posing with the school director, Thania.At the crowing event, Maribi received recognition as second runner up by just three points. However, Maribi and Evelin are both “campeonas” (champions) as far as Hearts in Action is concerned! Later, both girls were awarded sashes and crowns, and they were given the titles Senorita The Jungle School and Nina The Jungle School.
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